The Secret of Trefusis Cove – Episode 44

At breakfast the phone rang. Aircut went to answer it and came back beaming.

“That was Alexander Grey. The work’s finished on Tangara and you can go back whenever you like. He’s there now.”

“Oh, my!” Val exclaimed. “We must pack.”

“Finish your breakfast,” Aircut advised.

“We can’t thank you enough for putting us up for the past few days,” Betty told him. “It’s been so kind of you.”

“It’s been a pleasure.”

“I hope the men made a good job of the plastering.”

“Of course they did. They’re all honest, hard-working Cornishmen . . . except Alex.”

Betty and Val, accompanied by Aircut and Sally, made their way past Kit’s shop to Tangara.

Alex smiled and waved as they approached.

“Come in!” He beckoned eagerly. “I hope you’ll approve. I think my team have done a bonzer job.”

He ushered them inside.

The four gazed around.

“It looks so bright and new, but different.”

“The plasterwork is perfect!” Betty said. “As if nothing had happened. Wait a moment – the kitchen looks smaller. And where’s the tin bath?”

“Outside with the spiders.” Alex laughed. “Wait, it’s dark in here.”

He flicked a switch on the wall and the whole room was illuminated.

Betty gasped.


Alex laughed again.

“I spoke to the power people. Kit’s got it and I have it up at Whealgrey, so it was no problem. I got an electrician to wire it up. What do you think?”

“Did you get permission from Peter John?”

“Of course. He was well chuffed. Same as he was with this.” He opened a new door in a space beside the kitchen.

“It’s a shower,” Val whispered. “A real shower!”

Alex grinned.

“The firm that supplied it set it up and plumbed it in. No tiling or anything; it’s a complete unit. Are you pleased?”

Betty took a deep breath.

“It must have cost loads. Why did you do it?”

“I wanted to repair the damage caused by my pick-up and to make amends.”

“Aren’t you going to negotiate a sale with Peter John for Tangara? You’ll be pulling it down.”

“Not necessarily. It would make a good summer let now it has mod cons. However, if it needs to be done, so be it.”

“There you go again,” Val said angrily. “You do wonderful things and then spoil it all!”

“I haven’t changed everything,” Alex protested. “The dunny’s still outside.”

“Well, I hope your summer visitors like spiders, because that’s where they live!”

Alex looked woebegone.

“Don’t let’s quarrel. I wanted this to be a happy surprise and a bit of home comfort for you and Betty.”

Betty frowned. That was Alex – first nice, then tough businessman, then nice again. He was in the same muddle as Val. Neither knew what to do about their situation.

“You’ve done a very kind deed.” Betty addressed Alex. “And we appreciate it. But maybe Peter won’t be persuaded to sell it to you now.”

Alex shrugged.

“The cost is not a worry. I can easily make Peter an offer he can’t refuse.”

“There’s some things money can’t buy,” Aircut said quietly.

They heard footsteps outside.

“May I come in?”

Betty turned to the door.

“It’s Peter John!”

Abigail Phillips

Abbie is the newest member of the fiction team at the "Friend." She loves how varied the role is - every day is different and there is always a new story to read. She is keen to work closely with established writers and discover new writers, too.