Editor’s Diary: Cats And Cushions

Angela's ginger cat Zorro sitting comfy on a new cushion

In a recent Editor’s Diary, I told you about my new home office.

I’m absolutely loving it! It’s comfy and cosy, with everything I need close at hand. There’s a place for everything – including my cats!

Now, long-term readers of this Diary know how enthusiastically my cats have embraced working from home.

They were unsure about my new office at first, though. After all, the room looks very different from the cluttered storage area it used to be.

But several weeks on, they are making themselves at home. In fact, Zorro is sitting on my lap as I’m writing this. He’s lying on my left arm so I’m typing one-handed. Please excuse any typos!

The office is still a blank canvas in terms of decor. The essentials are in place, but there’s still lots to do.

I love a project, so I’m having great fun looking for bits and pieces to finish it off.

Last week, I decided a soft cushion would be just the thing for my chair. Sitting at a computer all day can make you feel a bit achy sometimes.

So, last Team Tuesday, I went shopping, and found just the thing. Perfectly matched to the colour scheme of the office and super soft.

Of course, I don’t need a cushion at my back all the time. So sometimes it ends up on the desk beside me.

And look what happened . . . It’s been claimed already as Zorro’s cushion.

When the rest of the team joined our regular video call on Monday morning, this is the sight that met them. Needless to say, he proved one massive and very cute distraction!

Now what was that saying about working with animals . . .

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries

Angela Gilchrist

I am the former Editor-in-Chief of “The People’s Friend” magazine. My passions include cats, Highland ponies, good books, vegetarian food and long walks in the Scottish countryside. My favourite place to get away from it all is the magical Isle of Skye.

Editor’s Diary: Cats And Cushions

Angela's ginger cat Zorro sitting comfy on a new cushion

In a recent Editor’s Diary, I told you about my new home office.

I’m absolutely loving it! It’s comfy and cosy, with everything I need close at hand. There’s a place for everything – including my cats!

Now, long-term readers of this Diary know how enthusiastically my cats have embraced working from home.

They were unsure about my new office at first, though. After all, the room looks very different from the cluttered storage area it used to be.

But several weeks on, they are making themselves at home. In fact, Zorro is sitting on my lap as I’m writing this. He’s lying on my left arm so I’m typing one-handed. Please excuse any typos!

The office is still a blank canvas in terms of decor. The essentials are in place, but there’s still lots to do.

I love a project, so I’m having great fun looking for bits and pieces to finish it off.

Last week, I decided a soft cushion would be just the thing for my chair. Sitting at a computer all day can make you feel a bit achy sometimes.

So, last Team Tuesday, I went shopping, and found just the thing. Perfectly matched to the colour scheme of the office and super soft.

Of course, I don’t need a cushion at my back all the time. So sometimes it ends up on the desk beside me.

And look what happened . . . It’s been claimed already as Zorro’s cushion.

When the rest of the team joined our regular video call on Monday morning, this is the sight that met them. Needless to say, he proved one massive and very cute distraction!

Now what was that saying about working with animals . . .

Read Angela’s previous Editor’s Diary entries


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