A Place Of Healing – 17

Cassie was pleased. She seemed to have kept all her original yoga class and tonight there were additions. The two giggly girls had brought along a rather gangly, shy boy. Mrs McGregor was accompanied by Mr McGregor, a stout gentleman with rosy cheeks and red hair. Well, at least Peter Rabbit could have the run of the carrot patch tonight!
Sarah Barton was already adding the names of the newcomers to her list. Mary Jordan was there. Paul Bryant was there, looking at Mary Jordan, who was smiling and chatting to everyone except Paul.
Maura Campbell was present, so Cassie was not surprised when the large figure of Gideon Reed stepped into the room. The fisherman had displayed a liking for the comely postmistress at last week’s class.
“Gideon,” Cassie said. “I’m so glad you’ve come for a second dose.”
He smiled benignly down at her.
“Well, now, Cassie, I found the stretching and the exercises most efficacious in the long run and the bruises soon faded away. And I found your foreign music quite mellifluous although normally I would say ye canna beat the pipes.”
“Yes, sitar music can be very soothing,” Cassie said. “Perhaps bagpipes would be too . . . too robust.”
“Aye, aye. You’re mebbe right. Although ye can get a fine lament out of the pipes.”
“Well, I’ll certainly think about it. Now, I think we’d better make a start.”
So Cassie brought everyone to attention and gave the short introduction that she’d given the previous week, for the benefit of the newcomers. Then, with Jess beside her, she demonstrated some simple stretching exercises of arms and legs just to warm up the muscles.
“OK, very good. Now, then, the first yoga position tonight is simple but excellent for the calves and thighs. Watch me. Feet about six inches apart. Arms straight by your sides, back straight, now sit down on an imaginary chair or stool. Stay like that for between five and ten deep breaths then stand and repeat. Sarah, the music, please.”
So the second yoga class began, mostly in concentrated silence with soft music but with the occasional giggle or groan when gravity overcame balance.
Gideon Reed stayed near the wall where he could call on emergency support and where he occasionally attracted a concerned look from Maura Campbell.
At the end, sitting on the floor there was a five-minute meditation period to a CD of “By A Sleepy Lagoon”.
As people were dispersing with shouts of “Goodnight, see you next week!” Paul came over to Cassie.
“I was wondering if you could pop into the manse, Cassie, for a quick chat.”
“Er, yes, OK. I’ll just take Jess home then I’ll join you.”
As Mary Jordan was passing Paul called to her.
“Mary, could you spare me a few minutes at the manse?”
“Oh, I’m sorry, Paul, but Donald is picking me up.”
“Is your car off the road again?”
“No. Donald is picking me up because he asked me if he could. Goodnight.”
Paul watched her leave and Cassie watched Paul.
She sighed. Why didn’t he realise that that young woman wanted to be wooed, to be pursued? She wanted to be swept away by a Young Lochinvar!