Hold Fast To Your Dreams – Episode 01

The main characters from the story Illustration: Sailesh Thakrar

A new serial set in the 1900s starts today. Life was changing for all the Farrington household, but especially for Jenny as she married her beloved Ben…

The bells rang out over the churchyard and across the fields as Jenny and Ben hurried down the path, laughing as they tried to dodge the showers of rice. 

Jenny looked into the little group for her father and stepmother, Sarah. As she spied them Sarah blew her a kiss.  

Jenny’s heart lurched as she saw her father’s wistful smile. She knew things hadn’t turned out quite the way Dad had hoped.  

Sarah would smooth everything over. She had a special magic, Jenny knew. She’d married Joseph knowing he was still grieving, and had thrown herself into putting the household in order and being mother to Emily, Jenny, Davey, Johnny and Beth.  

When little Joey was born, his birth had healed something inside them all.  

They reached the lane and Ben caressed her cheek. 

“I’m the happiest man in the world. Especially now the ceremony is over. I was worried I’d make a mess of it.”  

“You were perfect, Ben.” Jenny smiled at him. 

He looked older than his years; unsurprising, as he had grown up in a bleak mining town and known only roughness from his drunken father.  

He’d had the responsibility of protecting his mother, Sarah’s sister, who had been weakened by illness. Then he’d fallen in with a bad crowd and got into trouble with the police.  

Jenny remembered the day he’d come to the cottage, and her resentment of his presence in the household. Sarah had explained how the authorities had given her nephew a second chance, on the understanding that farm work, fresh air and good food might turn his life around.  

Doors did open for Ben, and slowly Jenny lost her heart to him. 

Now he helped his new wife into the trap and took the reins.  

“Sarah said to take the long way round,” Jenny said, “to give everyone time to get back to the cottage.”  

He set the horse in motion and they headed off down the lane, past fields bright with buttercups and blossom.  

“At least the Brackens won’t be there,” he said. “I don’t want to meet them until we move to Brackenbury and I take up the job. After all, we won’t be friends – I just want to take charge of their garden.” 

“I’m sorry, Ben. Inviting them seemed the right thing to do. But as I never heard back, perhaps it wasn’t.”  

Jenny had been disappointed not to have had a reply. She’d hoped to meet Eleanor Bracken, and to find out what sort of duties would be expected of her when they moved in.  

It had been a dream come true when Ben was offered the job, but then, as he’d reflected to Jenny, the miracle began the day he’d walked into the garden of Farrington House.  

Farm work with Joseph Callow had put him on the road to healthy living, but it would never have been enough for him.  

He’d gone to the big house to visit Jenny one day, but fate had drawn him through the garden door. The scents and patchwork of flowers and vegetables had calmed his soul, yet exhilarated him at the same time.  

Mr Mott, the gardener, had nearly thrown him out, but recognising Ben’s interest had taken him in hand, guiding and teaching him everything he knew.  

“You’ve gone quiet.” Jenny said. 

“Imagine Lord Bracken agreeing to employ me when I have so little experience!” Ben replied. “I’ve got to make a success of it, Jenny. I want you to be proud of me.” 

“I am proud of you! And you will make a success of it. Mr Mott wouldn’t have recommended you if he didn’t believe you would.” 

He drew the trap to a stop and pulled her close. They heard a carriage approach from ahead. Frustrated, Ben took up the reins just as an elegant brougham appeared.  

To be continued…

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