Mallorcan Magic – Episode 35

AFTER Antonio escorted the two friends back to Helen’s place, he kissed his fiancée goodnight and gave Eira a brief hug.
“Have faith,” he said. ”If Danny is innocent, he will be released soon.”
Eira nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Helen found a spare nightie for Eira and the two friends curled up on the settee, drinking mugs of hot chocolate.
“What does Antonio really think?” Eira was curious.
“He’s sympathetic. He’s also worried about how this will affect you and Danny’s children. I feel the same, of course.”
“I feel he’s a friend, now. It was kind of him to say what he said about Danny being innocent.”
“And Danny? Is he a friend, or something more now?”
Eira sipped her drink.
“That’s the second time tonight I’ve been asked about my relationship with my boss.”
“Question answered! You and Danny are more than just good friends – your face gives you away,” Helen said.
“I swear to you, I’ve decided nothing will happen between Danny and me.”
“I believe you, all right? But don’t tell me he hasn’t kissed you yet.”
Eira couldn’t possibly spoil that precious moment between her and Danny. But though she loved him deeply and would defend him, and his children, with her life, she was his employee and nothing more.
“I’m an employee, plain and simple.”
“Neither of those adjectives applies to you, Eira. I should know, being a teacher. Speaking of which, are your charges looking forward to their new school?”
“You bet. Louise, especially, can’t wait, and even Richard asks how many weeks there are until term begins.”
“Will you be taking them to Paris?”
“I think so, but Kasha’s new fiancé has two children so their nanny will look after all four.”
“Like I said, how the other half lives! So, do you take a holiday while the children are away?”
Eira looked helplessly at her, afraid to voice her fears for Danny’s future and for her own.
Next morning, Eira emerged to find Antonio already in the kitchen. He’d brought newly baked bread, which the trio demolished with butter and honey and English breakfast tea though, to Eira’s horror, Antonio drank his with lemon, not milk.
As he drove her to her car, Eira asked if he thought Danny had been framed or whether he suspected him of having criminal connections.
His answer surprised her.
“I took a while to realise it, Eira, but I believe this man is straight. He is shrewd businessman. Is that correct word?”
“It is. I’m impressed by your good English, Antonio.”
“People say he cuts corners but how many businessmen can say they have not?” Antonio slowed for the traffic lights. “Danny Carpenter is regarded as a good sort but you would not want to cross him.”
“I see. Thanks for your honesty,” Eira said thoughtfully.
Soon they reached the hotel car park.
“Let me know if there’s anything at all I can do,” Antonio said. “I meant what I said last night so stay positive.”
“I will.”
“I almost forgot, Eira. Your admirer, Manolo Diaz, is not engaged and not seeing anyone special. So, if he contacts you, you might like to accept.”
Was that a coded message, hinting she’d be better off with a Mallorcan boyfriend of similar age? Better keeping her relationship with Danny a strictly business one?
Driving back to the villa she drove carefully, as usual. When she arrived at the big wrought iron gates she found them open, though Isabella would have closed them after Eira left the night before.
Sure enough, a police car stood before the house. Eira drove round to the rear. The limo was still in the garage, waiting for Raoul to wash and polish it.
Eira entered the villa via the back door and found Isabella giving the children breakfast in the kitchen, the three of them chattering in a mix of Catalan, Spanish and English which completely baffled Eira.
“Eira! You’re home!” Lulu and Richard scrambled from their chairs to hug her.
Tears welled as she hugged them back. How would she ever break it to them if their daddy, by some awful twist of the judicial system, should be imprisoned? She brushed her hand across her eyes. “I give you coffee.”
Eira smiled gratefully.
“That’s kind. I see we have company.”
The housekeeper muttered something inaudible but which didn’t sound polite.
“What are we doing today? Are you taking us somewhere exciting?” There were a chorus of questions from the children and Eira didn’t know how to answer.
Would she be allowed into her room, to tidy up yesterday’s muddle? She hated the thought of everything left in chaos but daren’t hinder police procedures.
The faster they got on with those, the sooner the officers would leave. She might even be required to attend the police station again. And should she ring the children’s mother? The prospect of speaking to an angry Kasha didn’t appeal.
Eira excused herself to Isabella and headed off to ring Danny’s best friend. He answered his phone on the third ring and readily agreed to her request.
“Guess what? You’ve been invited over to Uncle Desi’s,” she told the children. The pair whooped with delight.