The September Garden Checklist – Tip 5

September garden tip Plant pot displayed in the window. houseplants

John september garden tip 4As September draws near, John Stoa takes a look at the jobs needing done in the garden in next month. Have a read and prepare your plants for the colder weather.


Here’s the fifth thing to do on you list:

• Geraniums and impatiens are attractive as houseplants as well as garden plants when grown in pots on a window-sill. Keep them watered and add liquid feed once a month to maintain vigour.

• The Christmas cactus, zygocactus truncatus, should have put on some growth over the summer months, so now it is time to dry it off and let it go dormant. This will help to initiate flower buds which will start to emerge about November to December.

The September Garden Checklist, tip 4

The September Garden Checklist, tip 1


Hannah McLaren

I've worked at DC Thomson for six years! I began as an intern at My Weekly and The Scots Magazine, which was extended by a few months to help out at The People's Friend. I then covered maternity as Celebrity Editor for My Weekly, before I became Multimedia Journalist at The Scots Magazine. Currently I'm writing digital content across each title.

The September Garden Checklist – Tip 5

September garden tip Plant pot displayed in the window. houseplants

John september garden tip 4As September draws near, John Stoa takes a look at the jobs needing done in the garden in next month. Have a read and prepare your plants for the colder weather.


Here’s the fifth thing to do on you list:

• Geraniums and impatiens are attractive as houseplants as well as garden plants when grown in pots on a window-sill. Keep them watered and add liquid feed once a month to maintain vigour.

• The Christmas cactus, zygocactus truncatus, should have put on some growth over the summer months, so now it is time to dry it off and let it go dormant. This will help to initiate flower buds which will start to emerge about November to December.

The September Garden Checklist, tip 4

The September Garden Checklist, tip 1



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