Features Sneak Peek: August 18, 2018 issue
A wee sprinkling of rain over recent days, and everything’s looking lush and green again.
Somerset’s a beautiful county, and our cover feature this week visits a town that everybody’s heard of – Glastonbury. History, scenery and cider – what more could you ask for in a day out?
Marion’s put together some fishy recipes in the cookery, with some exciting ideas to try. The Tuna and Bean Salad looks delicious – and healthy, too.
One of our favourite features this week is Polly Pullar’s piece on pine martens (try saying that quickly). The photos are just gorgeous. Polly’s got a new book out about these elusive creatures, and she’s sharing some of the stories of her encounters with them.
There’s a coupon for Maeve Haran’s latest book, “In A Country Garden”, for £2.99. It’s the perfect summer read, and you’ll be keen to give it a go after reading Maeve’s interview about the book.
Read about the amazing work the Fire Fighters Charity does to support those who put their lives on the line for folk every day, while the Health page is looking at vertigo.
Also on the Health pages are foam rollers. It’s a way of using your own body weight to give yourself a massage. Have you tried one? Cor, they can hurt, but in a good way! I love mine, and now scientists are saying you don’t have to be super-active to benefit from using one.
Most exciting of all this week is the launch of our Love Darg campaign for 2018! Hooray! It’s a cat blanket this week and a toy cat next week, and you can read all about why we’ve chosen Cats Protection again as this year’s partner.