Online Cultural Events To Keep You Entertained

entertained. tv-watching habits

How are you keeping yourself entertained during the lockdown?

I think we can all agree that staying in is the new going out . . . but that doesn’t mean missing out on everything.

There’s a wealth of things being made available online as actual physical events have had to be cancelled.

I signed up for an online event only last week. I subscribe to Pint Of Science, which is annual festival that brings talks on all different kinds of scientific topics to the public in places like pubs and cafés.

British-born NASA astronaut Michael Foale was due to take part in a Q&A session, but it was obviously cancelled . . . until the wonder of Zoom made it possible for those anywhere in the world to join in!

We submitted our questions beforehand (he answered mine!), and it went without a hitch, unlike his time aboard the Mir Space Station! It was a brilliant hour.

Another online gem is National Theatre Live. They’re streaming a complete performance every week over on YouTube.

It’s giving us all the chance to watch some incredible productions for free from our sofas.

So have a look and see what’s out there.

There are plenty of ways to keep our scientific and cultural brains ticking over . . . and you don’t need to queue!

Click here for a list of great virtual museum and gallery tours to keep you entertained.

For more from the “Friend” team, click here.

Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, I have found my perfect place on the “Friend” as I’m obsessed with reading and never go anywhere without a book! I read all of our stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!

Online Cultural Events To Keep You Entertained

entertained. tv-watching habits

How are you keeping yourself entertained during the lockdown?

I think we can all agree that staying in is the new going out . . . but that doesn’t mean missing out on everything.

There’s a wealth of things being made available online as actual physical events have had to be cancelled.

I signed up for an online event only last week. I subscribe to Pint Of Science, which is annual festival that brings talks on all different kinds of scientific topics to the public in places like pubs and cafés.

British-born NASA astronaut Michael Foale was due to take part in a Q&A session, but it was obviously cancelled . . . until the wonder of Zoom made it possible for those anywhere in the world to join in!

We submitted our questions beforehand (he answered mine!), and it went without a hitch, unlike his time aboard the Mir Space Station! It was a brilliant hour.

Another online gem is National Theatre Live. They’re streaming a complete performance every week over on YouTube.

It’s giving us all the chance to watch some incredible productions for free from our sofas.

So have a look and see what’s out there.

There are plenty of ways to keep our scientific and cultural brains ticking over . . . and you don’t need to queue!

Click here for a list of great virtual museum and gallery tours to keep you entertained.

For more from the “Friend” team, click here.


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