Hold Fast To Your Dreams – Episode 34

The main characters from the story Illustration: Sailesh Thakrar

“One of the reasons I wanted to speak to you is because I remembered something we talked about a very long time ago. It was extraordinary, the memory coming back to me.  

“Do you recall when you told me of your cousin and about the master of the house where he worked? He had just returned from Africa, and then died quite suddenly.” 

The gardener thought for a moment,  

“I remember Alf telling me the lord had died, and that he’d been over in Africa – something to do with the mines. Then, years later, the lord’s wife died.  

“Alf was fond of her, and was so sorry for the way she had to live all those years, struggling to keep the place going.  

“But some good came out of it – Alf and me, we set up the job for young Ben and suggested it to Lord Farrington. I hope the boy is getting on fine.” 

“I hope so, too,” she said. “I’ve been wondering if your cousin ever talked about his employer?” 

“Could be, my lady.” He sounded wary, and she quickly continued. 

“You see, this is a most extraordinary coincidence, but as it happens, he and Lord Farrington and his brother were all at school together.” 

“Imagine that.” He shook his head then smiled. “It’s given us all quite a lift below stairs, Lord Hugh returning.” 

“Yes, I expect it has. And there is a chance that his return could change our financial situation for the better here.” 

Mott furrowed his brow as she told him about the association between the two men in Africa, and the possibility of the missing diamonds. 

“I know it may sound unlikely, but you see, I just can’t dismiss the thought, especially when I imagine how it could affect us all.  

“It occurred to me that if I could just speak to your cousin and find out anything he might know about Charles Bracken and his return from Africa – anything that might help
us . . .?” 

“I’m sure Alf would be happy to speak to you, my lady,” he said slowly. 

“Does he live far away?” 

“A fair way. He lives with his daughter over at Little Daryton. I’ve got the address written down.” 

“I would be grateful if you might pass it on to me. I wouldn’t ask, except you know why it is important.  

“And it would be best not to mention this to Lord Farrington. He has been very tired, you see. Indeed, it must be kept secret.” 

“I understand, my lady.” 

She looked into his craggy face, and memories of his kindness over the years flooded through her: special bouquets; her favourite strawberries that he grew in the glass house; his gentle awareness of her insecurity when she’d first come to Farrington House as a young bride. 

“I do hope everything will be all right – for all of us,” she said. 

“And I,” he said, his eyes cast downward. Then he looked up. “But if the worst should happen, my lady, I want you to know that I’d stay on regardless.” 

Unable to speak, she reached out her quivering hand and gently touched his arm. 

The sea lions flapped and floundered on the rocks, jostling for position as their shrill barking pierced the air above the crashing waves. 

Emily and Will laughed at the comical animals. 

“Do you think they’re singing to us?” Will asked. 

“Well, it is your birthday.”  

She’d been so torn when Will had asked her to spend the day picnicking at the beach, and to visit the famous Cliff House resort, perched on the headland overlooking the Pacific.  

She’d longed to see the glamorous, eight-storey château, knowing it would be fun being with Will.  

But would it give him false hopes? 

“Em, it’s going to be my birthday. I’d like to go somewhere special, and I want to go there with you. After all, I’ll be going back to England soon.” 

She’d felt a flutter in her stomach, and her heart quickened. Had he decided to leave for certain?  

She’d been unable to respond and he’d reached out, taking her hand. 

“You know I want you to come back home with me. I don’t have to say it again.  

“But how about we put it out of our minds, just for one day? Let’s celebrate my birthday, and everything we’ve done here. Simple as that.  

“Say yes, Em.” 

And she had. It had been a carefree ride, bumping along in a horse and buggy, circling the city and then out to the coast, the wicker picnic beside bouncing on the seat beside them.  

At last the fairy-tale castle with its turrets and spires had emerged, and Will had jumped off the buggy. He’d lifted Emily down and had paid the driver while she’d steadied herself after the dizzying ride. 

The ballrooms and restaurant, art gallery and exhibition of precious gems had all been more magnificent than she’d imagined.  

They’d drifted from room to room, and as they’d stood on the veranda overlooking the wild, blue Pacific, Emily had felt her heart soar with the beauty and romance of it all. 

She would never forget his first kiss – that magical moment when he had appeared at the tent camp, having travelled all the way to California to find her.  

To be continued…

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