The “Friend” Newsletter Has A Brand New Look

fiction newsletter

The “Friend” Newsletter has had a makeover.

But don’t worry — we’ll still be bringing the very best features, recipes and craft projects straight to your inbox.

In fact, we’ll be bringing you a little bit more!

Take a look below. What do you think?


Image by Iain McDonald.

Subscribers won’t notice any drastic changes. But still, we felt a refresh was needed after a few years!

The main difference is our decision to replace Editor Angela’s introduction with a “headline” slot.

You’ll still hear from Angela regularly, of course, through her Editor’s Diary. But we’ll now be able to use the headline slot to share the articles we believe you really need to see.

These might be important developments in our charity campaigns, new products from our shop, or even exclusive competitions for subscribers.

If you’re already a subscriber, there’s no need to do a thing. You’ll simply receive your “Friend” newsletter as normal.

If not, then please do subscribe by clicking here.

Our subscription process is now even easier. All we need is your name and email address!

And remember, we have a busy Twitter feed and a very lively Facebook community, too.

We’re also on Pinterest, which is a fantastic resource for keen crafters and chefs, and a great place to find inspiration.

There are so many ways to sit down with your “Friend”, so little time . . .

Iain McDonald

I am the Digital Content Editor at the “Friend”, making me responsible for managing the flow of interesting and entertaining content on the magazine’s website and social media channels.

The “Friend” Newsletter Has A Brand New Look

fiction newsletter

The “Friend” Newsletter has had a makeover.

But don’t worry — we’ll still be bringing the very best features, recipes and craft projects straight to your inbox.

In fact, we’ll be bringing you a little bit more!

Take a look below. What do you think?


Image by Iain McDonald.

Subscribers won’t notice any drastic changes. But still, we felt a refresh was needed after a few years!

The main difference is our decision to replace Editor Angela’s introduction with a “headline” slot.

You’ll still hear from Angela regularly, of course, through her Editor’s Diary. But we’ll now be able to use the headline slot to share the articles we believe you really need to see.

These might be important developments in our charity campaigns, new products from our shop, or even exclusive competitions for subscribers.

If you’re already a subscriber, there’s no need to do a thing. You’ll simply receive your “Friend” newsletter as normal.

If not, then please do subscribe by clicking here.

Our subscription process is now even easier. All we need is your name and email address!

And remember, we have a busy Twitter feed and a very lively Facebook community, too.

We’re also on Pinterest, which is a fantastic resource for keen crafters and chefs, and a great place to find inspiration.

There are so many ways to sit down with your “Friend”, so little time . . .


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