Mallorcan Magic – Episode 27

HEARING giggles and scampering outside in the corridor, Eira wrapped her robe around her and opened her door to greet the children.
“Eira! Daddy said you were resting. Did we wake you?”
“No, sweetheart. Have you had a lovely day?”
“It was super-duper,” Richard said. “We saw baby crabs and a big jellyfish in the cove and Uncle Desi played football with us on the beach.”
“Super! What did you get up to, Lulu?”
“Maria and me went for a walk with Auntie Marta to look for pretty shells. And we went in the sea but Uncle Desi made us wear our armbands.”
“Good! Some of those waves can knock you over.”
She hesitated as their father called from the bathroom.
“Tub’s ready, you two. Say night-night now.”
Eira hugged both in turn.
“See you tomorrow. I want to drive you to a little zoo I’ve heard about. We’ll take a picnic.”
“Yes, please!”
The pair rushed off.
Danny felt more contented than he had in a long time. Happiness was a state he sometimes pondered about but doubted he ever really achieved.
He loved his children, each of whom amused him and worried him in equal portions. But he wasn’t unhappy when parted from them. He thrived on business ventures, including new opportunities, but that was his living and his practical side kept his foot on the accelerator, however his personal life ran.
That evening, he had sirloin steaks waiting. He’d thrown together a big green salad sprinkled with fresh herbs from Isabella’s kitchen garden.
He’d changed into a clean pair of jeans and wore an open-necked shirt beneath his chef’s apron.
When Eira appeared, he took one look and felt his mouth dry. She wore a silky yellow kimono and her lustrous hair was loose.
Danny was forced to acknowledge what he suspected had been happening since he first set eyes upon her. For fear his eyes might reveal his emotions, he focused upon the food.
“I’ll start the grill, shall I?”
“Wonderful. Can I do anything?”
Yes, you can come here and put your arms around me so I can tell you how beautiful you look before I kiss you!
Of course, the words remained unsaid.
“Um,” he said. “Happy with red wine? Yes? How about you pour us a glass apiece?”
Eira moved to the table.
“Is that thunder in the distance?”
“Probably. A rattling good storm would clear the air.”
“Are the children scared of thunder and lightning?”
“I don’t think so. They’ll soon come and find us if they are.”
“Are we eating here or in the dining-room?”
“Let’s go to the dining-room. You look far too – too elegant to sit at the old pine table.”
He’d almost blurted out how gorgeous she looked.
“I’ll take cutlery through and come back to pour the wine.”
She opened the drawer nearest Danny. Already she knew her way round his kitchen.
He caught a drift of soft, floral scent, maybe gardenias, maybe carnations, he didn’t know. Didn’t care.
What he did care about was how he could keep her with him for ever.
Sometimes she joked with him, mostly she was polite and quiet but never did he feel she viewed him as anything other than her employer.
When she poured the wine, he was flash-grilling the steaks. He saw her forage in the fridge for Isabella’s secret recipe salad dressing. He asked her about the next day’s zoo visit, saying the children would love the small animals.
He’d turned down the heat so the steaks were gently grilling. And suddenly the lights went out.
Danny groaned.
“What a time for a power cut!”
“At least supper won’t be spoilt. And the gas flame gives us some light.”
“You’re right. Eira, could you keep an eye on our steaks while I find a torch?”
He waited while she made her way across to him.
“We can either eat by candlelight and I’ll get the generator going afterwards, or I can go and do it now.”
“It seems a shame to risk the food spoiling,” Eira said.
“I agree. I’ll fetch candles from the hall cupboard as well as the torch, unless Richard has pinched it for one of his games.”
He made his way to the hall, collected a pair of battered candlesticks with the other items, switched on the torch and headed back.
“Would it be easier to eat here or should I light candles in the dining-room?” Eira enquired.
“Maybe here’s best.”
“Quicker to take out more cutlery, then.”
Eira took a taper from the jar and lit two white candles, placing them on the table while Danny served the steaks.
“A feast! I propose a toast to the chef.”
“More importantly,” he said, “let’s drink to a long and successful partnership.”
At once, he yearned to take back his words and rejig them, knowing he’d sounded self-important.