What The “Friend” Means To Cilla Moss

What The "Friend" Means

Our contributors have been letting us know what the “Friend” means to them, to help mark our 150th anniversary.

We love finding out how important our magazine has been to people over the years. It is the best possible way to celebrate our milestone.

Popular short story writer Cilla Moss provided these wonderful words:

“It Feels Special To Be Part Of A Tradition”

There were always copies of ‘The People’s Friend’ in my grandmother’s house. We passed them around friends and family. Each copy had so many readers.

The illustrations — and the focus on lovely, uplifting stories — enchanted me. And thinking how great it would be if my own stories could be presented like that one day. I couldn’t think of anything better than having one of my stories illustrated by a ‘Friend’ artist!

When I started writing seriously, the ‘Friend’ was one of the first places I submitted to. It feels very special to be part of a tradition that has continued for so many years.

To read more from our readers and contributors, click the tag below.

One of the contributors you’ll hear from is Betty McInnes. Betty wrote one of our best-loved serials, the iconic “The River Calls Us Home”.

First published in the 1990s, it has proven so consistently popular with our readers that we’ve now collected and released it in book form as the first entry in our Classics Collection.

Browse all our fabulous 150th Anniversary gifts at the DC Thomson Shop.

See more 150th anniversary content here.

Yvonne McKenzie

I work on the Features team and admit to being nosy, so I love looking after the Between Friends letters and finding out all about our lovely readers. I also look after our health copy and enjoy writing about inspiring people that help make the articles in the magazine so interesting.

What The “Friend” Means To Cilla Moss

What The "Friend" Means

Our contributors have been letting us know what the “Friend” means to them, to help mark our 150th anniversary.

We love finding out how important our magazine has been to people over the years. It is the best possible way to celebrate our milestone.

Popular short story writer Cilla Moss provided these wonderful words:

“It Feels Special To Be Part Of A Tradition”

There were always copies of ‘The People’s Friend’ in my grandmother’s house. We passed them around friends and family. Each copy had so many readers.

The illustrations — and the focus on lovely, uplifting stories — enchanted me. And thinking how great it would be if my own stories could be presented like that one day. I couldn’t think of anything better than having one of my stories illustrated by a ‘Friend’ artist!

When I started writing seriously, the ‘Friend’ was one of the first places I submitted to. It feels very special to be part of a tradition that has continued for so many years.

To read more from our readers and contributors, click the tag below.

One of the contributors you’ll hear from is Betty McInnes. Betty wrote one of our best-loved serials, the iconic “The River Calls Us Home”.

First published in the 1990s, it has proven so consistently popular with our readers that we’ve now collected and released it in book form as the first entry in our Classics Collection.

Browse all our fabulous 150th Anniversary gifts at the DC Thomson Shop.

See more 150th anniversary content here.


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