Mallorcan Magic – Episode 14

“I’m going to miss you. It’s great having you here when I get in from work,” Helen said.

“I’m not going far,” Eira said.

“You might as well be, but at least you get most weekends free. I hardly ever see Antonio on Saturdays, so that could be our girls’ day out.”


“Have you rung your parents yet with the news?”

“I wrote to them this afternoon, explaining why I’ve taken this job.” “Every single reason?” Eira pouted.

“I glossed over my new boss’s marital status but I think they’ll understand why it’s sensible for me to stay in Mallorca. I’ve explained I’ll still be living near you and I’ll be able to save most of my wages as I won’t have to pay rent and household expenses.”

“Maybe I should look for a similar position!”

“Helen, you’re too good at teaching.”

“How do you know?”

“It’s obvious how conscientious you are!”

“I try. Do you know where the Carpenter children go to school?”

“All I’ve been told is they had a private tutor who left at the end of April. Danny started looking for a suitable school plus a new nanny. I’ll be taking them on educational trips and reading with them, as well as seeing they have plenty of fun.”

“Do let me know which school he chooses. Wouldn’t it be funny if he enrolled them in mine?”

Eira nodded.

“I told him where you taught but I’m sure he’ll be looking at all the options before he makes up his mind. Anyway, if it’s still all right with you, I’d like to stay here until next Friday, when Sue leaves. I’ll be spending time with her, getting to know the area better and practising driving on the wrong side of the road!”

“Don’t they have a chauffeur?”

“Yes, he’s called Raoul and he has other duties, too, but the housekeeper and nanny share a little Fiat. Sometimes I’ll need to drive the children back here if their father needs Danny and the limo.”

“You sound excited. I’m pleased for you.”

“Thank you. I thought I’d treat you to dinner tonight, if that’s OK. Maybe take the bus into Palma and grab a taxi home. My treat.”


“Yes, why not?” Eira winked at Helen. “A double celebration?”


“You going round to Sunday lunch with the Garcia family? That’s surely a landmark.”

“You bet! Well, I’d love to go out for a meal with you.”

Danny’s face appeared in Eira’s mind’s eye. She’d loved being wined and dined by him and he entertained her throughout. But he was out of her league.

Soon she’d be the hired help and had better dismiss any notion of becoming anything more.


Having quizzed Sue about everything she could think of during the changeover time, Eira rode in the limo when the time came for Raoul to drive Sue to Palma’s airport. She handed her a small, tissue paper-wrapped gift.

“You shouldn’t have, Eira! But thank you. I’ll enjoy wearing it.” Sue held up the brooch, a thin circle of silver twirls, surrounding three seed pearls, to admire it. “Mr C arranged for Raoul to take me to the airport. Then he gave me a cheque as a wedding present from the family, plus a card Lulu and Richard made. And Kasha rang last night to thank me, would you believe?”

“Well, she should, considering the love and care you’ve given her children.”

Eira knew she sounded critical and began to apologise as Raoul’s dark eyes met hers in the driving mirror. The glass partition between front and back was open and she realised he must have overheard many conversations and learned to hold his tongue in order to hold his position.

“I hope I can be half as good as you, is what I meant to say,” Eira continued.

“You’ll be fine,” Sue assured her. “Did you notice the children starting to go to you rather than me? I told you kids were resilient creatures.”

“So you did.”

“Well, it won’t be long before you all go off to the mountains! You know the apartment’s to be refurbished?” Eira felt surprised.

“I didn’t.”

“Sorry, I only just found out from Isabella when I went to say goodbye.”

Eira couldn’t help but feel hurt, though she realised the housekeeper would need to know, of course.

“When should I start packing our things?”

“Wait until Mr C instructs you. It’s none of my business now, is it?”


“So now I’m on my own, Raoul,” Eira said after they dropped Sue off at the airport. “Everyone will miss Sue, me included!”

“She popular. But so are you, in quick time, Eira.”

“It’s kind of you to say so.” She’d taken the front passenger seat for the return trip. Raoul glanced at the dashboard clock.

“We have plenty time before I drive Mr Carpenter and the children to see te new school. Would you like to stop for coffee?”

“I don’t think so, thanks. If we move out on Sunday, I need to get cracking.” “Get cracking what?” Eira giggled.

“I mean I need to begin on the packing. I wish I’d known sooner.”

“Working for Mr Carpenter is bringing unexpected things. It is way he run his life.”

“Well, my main job is to make sure the children’s lives run smoothly. So while they’re out with their father, I’ll make a start on sorting their things.”

Tracey Steel

Having worked on a number of magazines over the years, I have found my perfect place on the “Friend” as I’m obsessed with reading and never go anywhere without a book! I read all of our stories with a mug of tea close by and usually a bit of strong cheese too!