Mallorcan Magic – Episode 16

Danny had asked Eira if she’d help put his paperwork in order as part of her duties. She’d agreed, provided the children’s routine wasn’t affected.
He seemed to approve of that, saying they enjoyed spending time with the housekeeper, who kept a kitchen garden. He also said he planned on taking the pair to visit friends of his, next day. Their three children were very good at entertaining Richard and Louise.
When he announced Eira would have about six hours in which to tackle his office muddle, she felt surprisingly bereft.
It wasn’t that she didn’t relish using a different part of her brain but to her dismay, she felt slightly jealous that she wasn’t included in the outing.
Eira sat in Danny’s study, surrounded by piles of documents. Beside his walnut desk and claret satin chairs, the metal filing cabinet looked out of place.
The only drawback to concentration was the stunning view from the big window. It reminded her of the backdrop to a James Bond movie, and she needed to turn her back on it. When the housekeeper came to remind her a cold lunch was prepared, Eira headed upstairs to wash her hands.
On the way back, Raoul slipped like a ghost from the master suite.
“Hola,” she said. “You made me jump. I’d forgotten you were unpacking for the boss.”
“So sorry, Eira. Will you eat lunch now?”
“Yes. Isabella’s made something for us.”
Eira and Raoul sat at the dining-room table, enjoying a wonderful Spanish omelette. A carafe of red wine stood beside the jug of water.
“I shall pour for you?”
“No thanks, Raoul. I need a clear head so I can tackle the paperwork afterwards.”
She watched the chauffeur grimace as he poured wine into his glass.
“Is little treat from Señor Carpenter.
Maybe you change your mind?”
“It’s kind of him but I’ll stick to water. You go ahead.”
“OK.” He gulped down some wine.
“This is delicious, isn’t it?” Eira reached for another chunk of bread and forked more omelette on to her plate.
“Very much.” Raoul drained his glass.
The chauffeur didn’t seem too talkative and Eira wished she’d opted to eat later.
Eira felt relieved when he laid down his fork and pushed his chair back.
She got to her feet.
“See you later, Raoul.”
She was almost back in Danny’s study when she heard footsteps. On turning round, she saw the chauffeur.
“Did you want something?”
“Perhaps a little kiss?”
Eira was not amused.
“Raoul, I don’t have time to mess around. Please don’t take offence but I’ve only recently come out of a relationship.”
He ignored this. He lunged, grabbing her and trying to hold her close. Shock made her raise her hand and slap his face.
“I wish you hadn’t made me do that!”
He glared at her, rubbing his cheek.
“I think it is different if I am the boss?”
“How dare you? I suggest you go and take a siesta.”
He said something in his own language.
Eira sighed.
“You know I can’t understand. I thought we were friends but you’ve spoiled things.”
“No, it is you who have spoil things, Eira. Señor Carpenter went to the dinner alone last night. Soon he will be taking you. It is not fair.”
Stony-faced, he walked away.
She stared after him. She’d hardly had time to become used to her new role and already she’d managed to upset someone on the staff.
But resentment burned inside her. Raoul was out of order!
She worked hard, writing labels for the new files and creating order from chaos. At four o’clock, she decided to go for a swim. Her boss didn’t bother to lock his documents away, probably because they were all so boring.
No-one could possibly be interested in income from brokering and renting out properties in Britain and Spain.
She closed the study door but saw no need to lock it.
Danny and the children arrived home in cheerful mood. At around six pm, Eira heard the crunch of tyres on gravel and she hurried downstairs to greet the family as Richard and Louise jumped from the car.
“Eira, Eira – guess what we did today!”
“I’ve no idea, Lulu. Tell me what you did today.”
“We went on Daddy’s friend’s yacht.”
“My goodness, how lovely for you. Was the sea calm?”
“Like a millpond.”
Danny opened the boot to bring out the hold-all Eira had packed that morning. “I wanted big waves,” Richard said.
“You’d only have been sick,” his sister said.
“I’m sure you’re all good sailors.” Eira greeted her boss. “It sounds as though everyone’s had a lovely day.”
“Whereas you’ve been working your fingers to the bone, organising my filing, poor thing.”
His eyes twinkled, setting off that familiar jolt to her senses. The sooner this man found himself a suitable life companion, the better for Eira.
“We had our lunch on the beach,” Louise announced. “Uncle Desi sailed us round the island.”
Danny met Eira’s gaze.
“Not quite all round but a little way along the coast. You must come with us another time.”
She smiled.
“We’ll see.”
“You’re not a good sailor?”
“I’m not sure. It’s ages since I went on any kind of boat.”
“I think baths and probably cold milk and a jam sandwich would go down well for our jolly sailors, Eira. Is that OK?”
“Of course.”
“Meanwhile, I’ll acquaint myself with my new office system. Perhaps you’d care to join me for dinner later? I have a lot going on just now and you might be of assistance.”
“I – well, yes, of course.”